
The Ultimate 2021 Summer Holiday Checklist


We are all very glad to see the end of 2020 and hopefully, the end of the pandemic as the Covid-19 vaccine is rolled out across the world and if your thoughts are turning to tropical beaches and cocktails in the morning, you certainly aren’t alone. For many families, 2019 and 2020 were non-holiday years, which means there will be many families looking to secure a great holiday this year.

Here is our comprehensive checklist to ensure that nothing gets overlooked.

  • Visas – If you are venturing out of Australia, you will need to apply for the relevant visas, which can usually be completed online. Search for the embassy of the destination country in Australia and make an enquiry.
  • Securing the Home – Three weeks is a long time to leave your home empty and you are advised to ask a close trusted neighbour to keep an eye on things and it is advisable to leave a set of keys with them, in case the emergency services need quick access. If you have family that can come and stay, this is also a good solution for home security and if you have CCTV, you should be able to access from any location, if the system is Internet-enabled.
  • Pet Boarding – Luckily, there is affordable dog boarding in Sydney and your dog will also enjoy a holiday staying at a facility with outdoor exercise and guided walks. If at all unsure, book a tour of the kennels and you can see for yourself how the dogs are cared for.
  • Covid Fit-to-Fly Certificates – It might be that you and your family will need Covid-19 fit-to-fly certification, which can be acquired from a local hospital. This is something you need to clarify with the embassy of your destination, while the airline may also have a policy regarding Covid-19.
  • Health Insurance – You can’t take a foreign holiday with no health insurance and if you don’t have a regular insurance provider, Google is your best friend and you can activate the policy online. It is wise to include the loss or theft of personal possessions, just to be on the safe side.
  • Airport Transfers – Obviously, you won’t be taking the family car to the airport, what with excessive parking fees; the best solution is to book a ride to and from the airport, which is the stress-free way to travel.

Keep all important documentation, passports and air tickets in one bag for easy access and don’t forget to do some online research about your holiday destination, which will magnify your enjoyment, as you know a lot about the country, its culture and customs.

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