
Marketing Pitfalls Your Business Should Not Commit


Marketing is crucial in making your business competitive. It helps to create awareness about your products and services, which makes it instrumental in your performance and profitability. In the rest of this article, we’ll list the mistakes you should not commit to developing and implementing a marketing strategy.

  • Not Using Customer Data

Customer data provides a basis for marketing decisions. Without information about your target market, it is impossible to implement the right strategy. This also necessitates the need to use marketing analytics platform to collect and unify data. From profile unification to customer segmentation, such platform unlocks possibilities to create better marketing campaigns.

Looking for the right platform to help analyze customer data? While there are plenty of options, one that should be on your list is Lytics.

  • Creating an In-House Team Early On

This is a marketing mistake that startups should not commit. When you are just starting your business, do not build your own in-house marketing team. This is an unnecessary expense. Rather, the best thing to do is to hire freelancers. Outsourcing marketing work is a good way to save money. As the business grows and the demand changes, this is the time you might want to consider having your own team.

  • Neglecting the Importance of a Website

In this digital age, one of the most analytics platforms your business should not ignore is a website. If your business does not have its own website, you are letting go of a cost-effective strategy to promote your company and attract potential buyers. However, this does not mean that any website will suffice. The website needs to be relevant, intuitive, engaging, and optimized to rank well in search engines.

  • Ignoring Retention

Business owners would know that it is more expensive to attract new customers than to retain the current ones. This makes it important to create marketing strategies that are geared toward retention. Think of marketing tactics that will drive loyalty. It is easier to sell your products and services to someone you already know, apart from the fact that it is also cheaper.

  • Proceeding Without a Plan

A marketing plan is critical to any business, whether it is big or small. The plan carefully stipulates strategies the organization will undertake. It even outlines the costs involved and the expected outcomes. This gives direction to the marketing campaign.

  • Not Studying the Competition

When planning your marketing strategies, it is important that you study your competitors. This, however, does not mean that you should copy their tactics. Instead, you can learn a thing or two about what they are doing. The goal is to execute marketing that is better than what others are doing to overtake the competition.

Take note of our suggestions above to ensure the success of your marketing campaign. Avoid these mistakes to increase the chances that your marketing efforts will not go to waste.

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